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    • 主演:纳瓦·君拉纳拉 Nusaba Wanichangkul Pimmada Boriruksuppakorn 沃恩吉莱·勒姆威拉伊 
    • 导演:Visven Buryavon 
    • 分类:剧情泰国
    • 地区:泰国
    • 年份:2005
    • 更新:2024-09-07 01:30:02
    • 简介:Pong acted as Pummared like the title of this lakorn. The story was about Pummared whom seeking revenge of his family enemy daugthers his dad's old business partner. Pummared's father had a partner in hotel business but they broke off with bad dispute and due to Pummared's father bad management his business collapsed so he tried to borrow money from his ex-business partner but he didn't want to lend him money instead took over the hotel and made Pummared's father became paralysed on both legs. Pummared came to Bangkok when his dad's ex-business partner was dead and came to his funeral pretending that his father was the family friend. Pummared's father ex-business partner had 3 daugthers. The 1st one was Ning, the head of the family good for handling business matter but lousy when it comes to relatioship and socialized with people. The 2nd one was Noy, the strong-will and easy going person who socialized a lot and good in handling matters. The youngest sister was Noi, naive and innocent never know about outside world,love, and lack of confidentlity because she just staying at home and the best she could so just cooking at home. Pummared seduced these 3 sisters, the eldest sister was easy to seduced since she was yearned to be loved, the youngest also easy to seduced because she didn't know what love is until she attracted with Pummared even though she knew that Pummared already with her eldest sister she's willing to be his mistress. Noy was difficult for Pummared to win over because she was smart and not easy to fall for a guy, Pummared was being challanged to win her heart and he fell in love with her because of her behaviour compared to her 2 sisters.When Noy found ot that Pummared was her eldest sis's boyfriend she was very angry and had an argument with her eldest sister because she told her that he was not a nice person but Ning refused to believe her blinded by her love to him. Noy left home insisted couldn't live in the same roof with Pummared. Noy knew from his father's ex-lawyer whom Ning fired because he warned her about Pummared that Pummared and his dad were not decent people that they had motive to get involved in her family business. The fact was Pummared tried to take control of the company for his father's sake but less he knew that his father was the bad guy who tricked his son to pursue his personal ambition and he liked to gamble. Pummared married Ning and soon after Ning gave him power of her company on their wedding day then he showed his true color and didn't want to sleep with her but left to Noy's place but she didn't accept him, later on he ran away from everything. Pummared also impregnate Noi (the youngest sis) who fell head over heal to him and still didn't realize her mistake loving wrong guy.Ning realized her mistakes marrying a wrong guy and Noy reconciled with her. One day Ning knew that Noi was pregnant with Pummared, she's angry and jealous so when Pummared came to her house to talk over with Noi she wanted to shoot him but instead shoot Noi to dead, Ning went berserk hence Noy became all alone. Pummared realized his mistakes and his father misdeed and he wanted return everything to Noy however his father accidentally shoot him. He returned the shares to Noy and admitted that the only person that he truly loved just Noy he refused to go to the hospital and died in Noy's arms. Noy loved him and cried, she just couldn't accept because the way he mistreating his sisters.


    • 主演:Gottfried Breitfuss Julia Jentsch Roman Knizka 
    • 导演:Sven Taddicken 
    • 分类:爱情剧情喜剧西方伦理三级伦理
    • 地区:德国
    • 年份:2001
    • 更新:2024-06-25 01:30:02
    • 简介:荣获2002年【鹿特丹影展】国际影评人费比西奖及法、德、韩等四个国际影展最佳影片的【发情日记】,以年届30却智力发展迟缓的弟弟、担心弟弟觊觎自己女友的哥哥、步入青春期渴望第一次性经验的妹妹,交织成这部有著【猜火车】式的疯狂,揉和著渴望性启蒙的诡异电影。影片中妹妹引诱男友初夜献身的「摄影棚」和哥哥「教导」弟弟手淫的画面,都堪称一绝。性,在电影里被拿来重新看待,宛若神只般地神秘与被崇拜。导演史费塔迪肯在片中对「性」的测量,与汤姆提克威在【萝拉快跑】里对「时间」一般,精准又具创意。影片中大量累计了惊叹及意淫快感,最值得玩味的是,追求爱情的最终滋味,竟有著如射精宣泄、高潮快感后的那股落寞。




    • 主演:亚瑟·哈卡拉赫蒂 Elli Rhiannon Müller Osborne Liv Mjönes 
    • 导演:Stig Svendsen 
    • 分类:惊悚恐怖
    • 地区:挪威
    • 年份:2021
    • 更新:2024-05-27 05:34:40
    • 简介:泰莱(17岁)的母亲在当地警察局找到了一份新工作,她刚和父母一起搬到一个小镇。一名学生在Thale参加的派对上被残忍杀害后,她成为了关键证人。凶手是动物吗一只狼吗


    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:Sven Unterwaldt Jr. 
    • 分类:喜剧家庭
    • 地区:其它
    • 年份:2004
    • 更新:2024-05-27 04:24:55
    • 简介:七个小矮人居住在河的对岸,在他们的森林中还有一个个子很高的人,他也极其希望加入七矮人的行列,而他们却总是用他们已经有七个了来拒绝他。  有一天,白雪公主闯进了他们的生活。七矮人中的六个被她的美貌所吸引,将曾经允诺的不和任何女人交往的信念抛之脑后。而其中一个老矮人却因为曾经的不幸遭遇对白雪公主时刻提防着。  当白雪公主18岁生日的时候,老矮人知道了她的身世,这时白雪公主却被可恶的皇后抓走了。七个矮人团结一致地前往皇宫去救白雪公主,老矮人终于在皇宫前告诉了他们那个他提了18年却一直不愿说清的他的过去。他们是否能够成功地救出公主呢?


    • 主演:Tehmina Sunny Anita Briem John Getz 
    • 导演:Stig Svendsen 
    • 分类:惊悚恐怖
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2011
    • 更新:2024-05-27 01:53:20
    • 简介:八个人去参加鸡尾酒会时与伊朗原籍保安一起被困于电梯中。其中包括一个胖子白领,一个帅哥金领带着自己的主播未婚妻,一个孕妇,该大楼的老板和自己的小孙女,一个有幽闭恐惧症的喜剧演员,还有个衣着土气的大妈。在他们焦灼地等待援救时,发现电梯里有个炸弹。

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